3 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Search Behaviour in Search-Based Unit Test Generation

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    As software testing is a laborious and error-prone task, automation is desirable. Search-based unit test generation applies evolutionary search algorithms to generate software tests and, in the context of unit testing object-oriented software, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are frequently employed to generate unit tests that maximise code coverage. Although GAs are effective at generating tests that achieve high code coverage, they are still far from being able to satisfy all test goals (e.g., covering all branches). While some general limitations are known, there is still a lack of understanding of the search behaviour during the optimization, making it difficult to identify the factors that make a search problem difficult. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate the search behaviour when GAs are applied to generate object-oriented unit tests and, more specifically, identify the reasons why the search fails to achieve the desired test goals. This is achieved by investigating (1) the fitness landscape structure and the impact of its features on the generation of unit tests and (2) the influence of population diversity on generating potential unit tests. Based on the outcome of this investigation, the impact of test case reduction on the landscape features and population diversity is also investigated. Our results reveal that classical indicators for rugged fitness landscapes suggest well searchable problems in the case of unit test generation, but the fitness landscape for most problem instances is dominated by detrimental plateaus. However, increasing diversity does not have a beneficial effect on coverage in general, but it may improve coverage when diversity is promoted adaptively. In fact, increasing diversity has a negative impact on the individual length, which can also be mitigated with the adaptive diversity. Applying the test case reduction seems to be promising in improving the landscape structure and reducing the negative side effects of diversity on length, but have no considerable impact on the search performance

    An Empirical Evaluation of Evolutionary Algorithms for Unit Test Suite Generation

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    Context: Evolutionary algorithms have been shown to be e ective at generating unit test suites optimised for code coverage. While many speci c aspects of these algorithms have been evaluated in detail (e.g., test length and di erent kinds of techniques aimed at improving performance, like seeding), the in uence of the choice of evolutionary algorithm has to date seen less attention in the literature. Objective: Since it is theoretically impossible to design an algorithm that is the best on all possible problems, a common approach in software engineering problems is to rst try the most common algorithm, a Genetic Algorithm, and only afterwards try to re ne it or compare it with other algorithms to see if any of them is more suited for the addressed problem. The objective of this paper is to perform this analysis, in order to shed light on the in uence of the search algorithm applied for unit test generation. Method: We empirically evaluate thirteen di erent evolutionary algorithms and two random approaches on a selection of non-trivial open source classes. All algorithms are implemented in the EvoSuite test generation tool, which includes recent optimisations such as the use of an archive during the search and optimisation for multiple coverage criteria. Results: Our study shows that the use of a test archive makes evolutionary algorithms clearly better than random testing, and it con rms that the DynaMOSA many-objective search algorithm is the most e ective algorithm for unit test generation. Conclusions: Our results show that the choice of algorithm can have a substantial in uence on the performance of whole test suite optimisation. Although we can make a recommendation on which algorithm to use in practice, no algorithm is clearly superior in all cases, suggesting future work on improved search algorithms for unit test generatio